Her Soul
Her Soul is a podcast & community centered around helping you create your best life through a devoted relationship with God. Her Soul is a Christian-based podcast hosted by Camille Allison. On the show she discusses Christian living and mental health. This show is designed primarily for the women of faith looking to find freedom balance in their own lives. Camille tackles topics related to mental health, Christian faith, and all things in between to help women unlock their best selves- mentally and spiritually.
Her Soul
Let's Talk: Total Life Transformation
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This week we take a look at some practical actions we can take to lead us into a better life living out the promises of God.
Anchor Verse: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Short Bible Study video on this week's anchor verse
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Hey friends. Welcome into another week's episode of Her Soul. I'm your host, Camille, Allison, and I'm so excited that you guys are back to partake. if we should say. So for the last couple of weeks, y'all, we've been putting out some hits. I'm not even gonna lie. These episodes have certainly blessed. My heart blessed my spirit and my mind. I hope it's been doing the same for you. I just believe that God has me in a place where He's giving me insight and clarity on, you know, what my life means. In the grand scheme of things, and I really am praying and hoping that you guys are able to sort of pull out the same for yourselves. I pray. God has given you direction. I pray you're receiving the guidance. And I, I honestly, and truly from the bottom of my heart, pray that the last few episodes and really all the episodes on this show have given you, um, steps to take, to receive that clarity. Okay. So let's just do a quick recap. I'm not going to go into too much detail only because this week's episode is sort of going to tie everything in together. And I just want to make sure we're all on the same page. So you remember two weeks ago, we talked about being in the wilderness. When we find ourselves in this place of just chaos, maybe we're not where we want to be. Maybe we've been stuck in our wilderness seasons for too long, and now that's become our new normal. We looked at how we ended up there and how we can get out. Right. And then. Last week y'all we came right back at it and we talked about what do we do after we mess up? So oftentimes. We mess up and we feel like we can't be like, we're not in God's good graces or like God is mad at us or whatever the case is. And so both with the wilderness episode and last week's episode called after we messed up, we talked, well, we looked at the example of the Israelites. We tried to understand their journey from the time they were rescued from Egypt. All the way through to them. They're right on the brink of entering into the promised land. And so we are looking at Deuteronomy where Moses is just recounting things to them and letting them know. Reminding them, I guess. Of their journey, God's faithfulness even through their rebellion. And we took that example of the Israelites and we dissected it and had some things that we could apply to our own lives. And so again, go back and listen to those episodes. They were great. You're not going to be disappointed. But this week. Let's talk transformation. Okay. Let's talk. Total life transformation. We've been talking about being in these stuck places. Being in these desolate places right. Being complacent. Not being where we want to be or where we should be. You know, by God's standard. So let's talk about the practical way to receive this total life transformation, right. Our anchor verse for this week is going to be 1 Corinthians chapter 6, verses 19 through 20. And you might be familiar with it. I'm going to go ahead and read it for you. And this is coming from the ESV version. And so it reads. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you whom you have from God? You are not your own for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. And preparing for this episode, I sat down and I did. A. Um, a study on this scripture. I verse mapped it. I did word study and just tried to gain clarity on what this scripture actually means. I know a lot of people would take this and try and say, um, like used a scripture in certain circumstances. And so I wanted to sit down. Without all of those preconceptions and just sit down and figure out at the root of it. What is the Lord trying to say? I'm going to link a video in the show notes. Where I show you guys how I actually broke the scripture down so you can see the visual map of it all, but I'm going to tell you the gist of what I was able to pull away. And I use my Strong's Concordance. Um, to verse, map this out. And it says, understand that my entire being is a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit, which was given to me by God. I am not my own. In fact, I was bought and redeemed and hold value. Therefore, I must honor God with my entire being. Mentally physically, emotionally, spiritually. In other words, Body mind and soul. That was my takeaway after doing, the study. And. I thought this was the perfect scripture to apply to today's episode. I already had sort of like a plan as to what we were going to talk about, but when I came across this, it was like, God was highlighting. Or, he was putting certain things in my face because as I took notes, I was talking about, well, What can we do? What is total life transformation even mean? Right. How are we able to even make this a reality practically speaking? Right. And we've been talking about getting right in our lives. These last couple of weeks, we've been talking about. Deepening our relationship with God. And so here I want to present to you guys another way to receive even more clarity. As we continue in that mission. Not everyone who listens to this show is black or African-American descent. Um, So I can't speak to other cultures and races, but I know so often in the African-American community, And the Black community, there isn't as much emphasis placed on how we treat our bodies. Right. We don't actually see that as a gateway to how everything else in our life flows. And not to anyone's fault. It's just not something that. I think was really grounded in us. I certainly will say that there is, it seems to be like more of a lean into this nowadays. But traditionally, and for the vast majority, This is not an idea that we typically have. Right. Treating our body well. Is sort of like a gateway. Into everything else in our life. If we go back to our scripture, when the scripture mentions the word body, According to my Strong's Concordance. Body refers to. It says as a sound whole, both literally and figuratively, it encompasses every part of your being. And so that means your body, your mind, and your soul. So what does it look like for us to treat our body, mind and soul well, Okay. How can we, how can we do this? I'm using this as sort of like our starting point. Right. If you want to take notes, this is where we're going to start. Number one, the first thing we're going to do is treat our body well, and then circle the word body. And put body, mind and soul because it's our entire being that we need to take care of because as our Scripture said, This is a gift. This is, we are not our own. Our bodies are a gift and we have to honor God. 100% with everything that we have. So let's look at our physical body, our physical selves. How can we treat our physical body well, I have two suggestions for you here today. Number one. Simply movement. A lot of the times we're stationary either due to just our lifestyle choices, we don't work a job that requires us to be mobile. We don't do activities that require us to be mobile. So I'm going to say the first thing that you can implement is to incorporate movement into your everyday, whether that's just waking up in the morning and going to bed by doing stretches. Whether that is taking a walk. I'm not saying necessarily go all out and exercise, but certainly do that. Um, if you feel led, but let's just get our bodies moving. First of all, our bodies are not meant to be dormant or stationary. You know, just for our physical health y'all know I'm a Registered Nurse by trade. Just for our physical health, we are not meant to be stationary. Our body needs movement to operate at its best, right? For all of the cells that make up our body to receive the oxygen that it needs. Our bodies need to get moving in order for our heart to pump and work efficiently. For our body system, we have to be moving. We need to have some sort of level of activity. In our life in order for our body to even function properly. And so my first suggestion is to incorporate movement. My second suggestion. Is to be mindful of what it is that you're putting into your body. These two things here are so. They're simple, but we don't necessarily grab on to them, but let's approach this with the mindset that if we treat our bodies, well, this is the gateway to everything else in our life. Okay. And remember, we're talking body in totality. So. Um, Let's talk about it. So be mindful of what it is that you're putting into your body. What kind of foods are you eating on a day-to-day basis? I'm going to try and go through this part without going off on a tangent, because I've recently my fiance and I have recently had this revelation and we've been trying to share it with as much people as we possibly can, but. The typical American diet. And I'm not even going to say, You know what we eat in our culture, but let's just say the typical American diet we are overloaded with saturated fats. We are overloaded with highly processed foods. And if you want to look at the way that our body is meant to function. Our digestive system is not meant to be breaking down. These things. Okay. It's a lot of work for our body. If we can take a step back and make better choices about what it is that we are feeding ourselves, not only does it do our body well, it also does our mind well, Right. The things that we put into our body directly relate to. How we are mentally. Emotionally. So be mindful of what it is that you're putting into your body. So I'll just tell you guys for us, we started to incorporate juicing into our life, right? We went initially on a six day juice fast where we didn't do anything but juice. We went to the grocery, we bought all organic fruits, vegetables. We sat in our kitchen, prep, everything, and we made a whole supply of juice for a week. And that's all that we drank. We didn't eat anything. We just drank juice. And at the end of that, you know, through that process, your body goes through a whole cleansing, right? And then you start to see all these positive benefits. Because your body isn't working so hard. To break down food. So we were losing weight. We were. Well, I personally was eliminating like bloating. Um, I found like in the beginning, I didn't have a lot of energy, but once I got over that initial hump, My energy levels rose. I had better mental clarity. I felt more efficient as a mom, as a person or as a woman who manages a home. And so there were a lot of benefits from just cleansing my body. Ever since then we've done, um, like juice fasting, intermittently, and then we have just decided to incorporate juicing into our life completely. So thing, if you think of it like this. I keep telling everybody that I come in contact with, like, I've never eaten so many carrots in my life. I've never had so much celery. In my life and now I am, and I, I'm not even realizing it because it's an, a juice form, but I'm drinking these things and I'm feeling and just operating better. And I honestly believe that when we are mindful of. What we put into our body. We are honoring God. We are allowing ourselves to be the best physically that we can be. And that is a way of honoring God. Same thing with incorporating movement. I'm going to mention fasting here, but we're also going to come back to fasting and just a second. Fasting is super important as well. Okay. So that's how we can go through and honor God with our physical body. Now let's figure out how do we treat our mind well, how can we honor God with our mind? This is a really important thing here because you guys y'all already know that the devil uses tricks of the mind just sort of needle his way into our lives. Right. So we've gotta be on point mentally. We have got to be on point. So the movement, um, the diet, all of that plays on us mentally as well. But another thing I want us to be mindful of. Is we can treat our minds well and be top tier mentally by monitoring what it is that we are feeding ourselves, whether that's through music. Um, whether that is through the podcast that we listen to the shows that we watch. Um, things like that, where we get our information. You know what it is that we're viewing or listening to throughout the day. And I know people don't like to hear this, but it's just, it's just the truth. Secular music does not have a place really, honestly, and truly in a Christian's heart. Because all it talks about are things that are directly opposed to what God wants for us, what God has for us and His idea of what our lives should be. If we're constantly feeding ourselves trash, music trash TV. You know, we're going to put out trash. We're not going to be mentally clear. Our thought processes are going to be completely messed up and to whose fault. To our own. This is why I'm saying, you know, the devil uses these little things to just plant thoughts. That are completely opposite of what God wants for you. And the next thing you know, you look up and it's been like 10 years. And you're still not on track with everything. And not to say it, um, in such a dramatic fashion or form, but that's just something to keep in mind. We've got to be mindful of the things that we are allowing into our hearts, our minds, our spirits, the things that we're watching, because. Those are seeds that are being planted in us that are not of good fruit. And we've gotta be mindful of the seeds that we're planting. So that's my suggestion. As far as how can we treat our body well, mentally. Give ourselves good stuff. Feed ourselves. Great things. Let us intake those things that are going to be beneficial to our spirit. So first I want to suggest. Continue on this journey. If you listen to this show, I know you are on some sort of a journey with your faith. You're feeding yourself Bible based knowledge. That is number one. You know, and this is, this goes for the church you attend. Have discernment when it comes to the church you attend and the pastor that you're listening to. Right. You want to be receiving Bible based knowledge? Okay. When it comes to the TV shows, y'all already know. I do not watch anything that is scary. I don't do horror. I don't do any shows that talk about paranormal. I love to read y'all reading has become like one of my favorite things, but I will not read any books that have to do like fantasy books that incorporate demons and things like that. I just don't do it. I don't do it. And God, if I do have a book like that, or if I do come across something like that, it's like, God speaks directly to my spirit and is like, turn it off, put it away. So just be mindful of things like that. So spiritually let's talk spiritually, how it is that we can treat our body well. All of these things, sort of like interconnect. All of these things impact the other. So physical body, mind, spirit, all of these things, sort of dibble dabble with each other. But spiritually, my biggest suggestion that I want to bring forth to you guys today is to consider doing a fast. Now I told you we did a juice fast. So certainly that. A fast is basically where you're depriving yourself of something that you would normally have. Some people do all out fasts where they don't eat or drink for a certain number of days. Listen, if you're going to fast. I don't know your health condition. So don't say that I am telling you to do it, but I'm saying give up something, a lot of people will do a fast from social media. A lot of people will fast. You know, from TV, Sweets. You know, whatever the case is, whatever. Once you pray to God about your fast, ask Him to lead you as far as what fast you should actually do. Um, I certainly don't want you doing a fast where you're not eating or drinking anything. And like, let's say you're diabetic. That's a no. That's a no. Okay. So, um, just be mindful in that sense, but let me tell you why fasting is important. When we take away the things that we like to indulge in. It's like we have this extra. Um, Extra layer of energy or there's this extra component that we can now take and put towards something more meaningful. Right? When we take away the things we like to indulge in we have space now to receive what we need to receive. I'm trying to put this in the best way possible so that you guys can understand when you enter into a fast, right. And you're doing it under spiritual. In a spiritual way. You take away the things that you normally would indulge in. And it allows God room to really get to you. So, like, let's say I'm a person and I just love to, um, Let's say I'm a person and I've decided that I'm going to go through and I'm going to fast from all fast food. And I'm also going to fast from TV. I'm not going to watch any TV. I'm not going to have any fast food. Okay, now that I've taken away, two things that I love. Oh, two things that I would typically indulge in. There that room isn't there. That is no longer there crowding me. Right. And it's going to give me room the time I would normally spend to watch the hours of TV was, you know, this is just an example. This is not really true, but. The time that I would spend to typically to watch those hours of TV. Now I can dedicate to God. Now that room can, that time could be put towards something more beneficial to me spiritually, whether I'm in my Bible study, whether I'm in prayer, whether I'm just spending more time with my family and my kidsin intentional conversation, whatever it is. I'm taking away a distraction. I'm allowing myself to be in a state of deprivation so that I can receive what it is that God has for me. And that is the point of fasting. So that's why I encourage it. Not only from a physical sense, but also in a spiritual sense. A lot of times we can't hear from God because our minds are so cluttered with everything in the world. Right? News, social media, TV. Um, just everything that we see and intake on a daily basis can crowd us spiritually and mentally. So when we put ourselves on a fast, we are intentionally seeking out a way to get away from all of the noise, all of the distraction, and just directly hear from God. So I just want to pray, or I just want to. Um, I encourage you. To incorporate fasting into your day-to-day life. The last thing on a spiritual level. But again, this also works out mentally as well. I want you guys to incorporate intentional gratitude into your everyday. We just talked about gratitude. I think. Um, maybe a month or so ago. And gratitude is extremely important. Because again. This life is a gift. There are so many things we can look at and complain about. Feel like are off-kilter or whatever the case may be. But what an honor it is to live this life. And how important is it for us to just tell God, thank you every day. For just the little things, you know, The planner I'm using right now. Makes it very easy for us to incorporate gratitude every single day. And basically all it does. Is it just on the, every daily spread it's asking me, what am I grateful for? What do I want to express gratitude about? And so it's in my face because every day I write out a plan for my day. Well, now here's an extra space for me to show my gratitude. And I mean, what I say I'm grateful for ranges every single day. I'm always grateful for the safety, health, and protection of my family. You know, on 4th of July, I went through, and I wrote how grateful I am to have the freedom to worship God and live this life, you know unapologetically in my Christian faith. And you know, just so many things. I'm thankful that Jesus went to the Cross. I'm just honored that I have an opportunity to minister, to people through this podcast. So many things I'm looking outside right now. I'm thankful that I can see a little bit of wind tussling through the trees and hopeful that today will not be as hot as it has been. Simple little things, but I want to say that when you show gratitude, it takes your mind off of what might not be so good in your life seemingly. And just allows you to realign your focus. It changes your perspective, which I love. Because now, instead of getting caught up in a negative thought pattern, you've introduced gratitude, which has twisted everything into thankfulness. Which is associated with joy. So. That's it that, that's what I wanted to talk about as far as how we can treat our body. Well, As the gateway to everything else in our life. Right. I want to just mention a couple things. I believe that we, as a society, as a whole, as a culture, as a people have this overinflated sense of reality, this overinflated sense of purpose, and there is a need for us to reground ourselves to actual reality. To the reality that the Bible presents to us. Right. The world has misconstrued things so much that it's confusing. I mean, I will admit it is very confusing, but that's why I think it's so important for us to get ourselves in alignment. You know, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I also think that in this life, there's just too much emphasis on. I want it all. I've got to have it all, especially in America. High emphasis on capitalism here. And so there's this mindset. I think that we just have to have everything and that's just not true. There's too much emphasis on the, I want it all, but not enough attention being paid to the need to spiritually ground ourselves. So again, Let's get our minds, our bodies and our spirit in alignment so that we can. Then go forward in every other area in our life. We have to reground ourselves to the truth of God's word. Not what the world is presenting to us, but what the Bible tells us is true. I also believe that in talking about this episode, I don't want you guys to go away from here and think that this is a quick process. This is a slow process. Change and I mean, real change and transformation is a slow process to go from what you were once doing to walking into this newness of life. Right. But do not discount yourself, do not get discouraged. Celebrate your small wins along the way. I'm going to offer this to anybody who might be interested if you want help creating sort of a plane. That you can practically implement. So if you've listened to this episode, You're kind of like, okay. Yeah, I do need to make changes, but you just don't know necessarily how and you just need a little bit more help. Reach out to me and just let me help you. Let me work with you because certainly. I don't want anybody to feel held up or feel like they want to make a change, but not know necessarily how to make a change. And so I'm willing, you know, if it's something that you're interested in or you feel like you want extra help in just reach out to me, I'm more than happy to help you. But what I really want. And this, I guess is what I want to leave you guys with. Can I challenge you to adopt a new outlook on your life. It's especially to my listeners who resonate with being in the wilderness and being in new in the wilderness for a very long time. Can I challenge you to adopt a new outlook on life. And this is by no means. Is it going to be easy? It's going to take some real training to truly change the way that you think. But that's what I want to leave you with. Can I challenge you to adopt a new outlook on your life? Again, if y'all want help. I am here. I would love to help you. I feel like honestly, This is sort of like what God has put me here for anyway. I hope that this podcast blesses you, but certainly if you want an extra step, reach out to me, I'm happy to do it. But, yeah, so. That's it, you guys that is this week's episode, sort of wrapping up what we've been talking about the last couple of weeks. Again, like both of those episodes. I hope that this has blessed your mind, body and spirit. I hope it's given you something to go out with something to implement and take action on. And I just pray that God continues to speak over you and speak into your life and give you just a newness and a freshness in your life. I love each and every single one of you. Thank you for listening. Check the show notes for how to get in contact with me. Number one, and then also check the show notes for, um, You know, Any extra details. I did want to mention in the show notes, you guys might see this, send me a text message link. If you ever use that feature. Thank you so much. I love that. But some of you are sending me messages and I don't know exactly how to respond to you. It doesn't tell me. How to get back in contact with you. So if you use that link and you are sending me, um, you know, a question or if you're asking me anything, or if you want to get in contact with me, leave your email in that, um, Message. And tell me your name so that I can properly get back to you and reach out to you as well. And then, yeah, I didn't even tell you all this, but I went ahead and put the podcast back on YouTube. It is up there with audio. Um, Like go look at it. It's audio. And there's like, um, It's not me personally, on the video. We will get back to that, but it's still something that you can visually watch and follow along with. So check that out. It is back on YouTube. I'll link that below as well. And, um, if you are listening on YouTube, thank you so much. Go ahead and hit subscribe. Um, so that you can just continue to follow the show and be blessed by this ministry. Y'all have a blessed week. I will see you all next week and I just pray everything goes well for you. I'll talk to yall next time. Bye.