Her Soul
Her Soul is a podcast & community centered around helping you create your best life through a devoted relationship with God. Her Soul is a Christian-based podcast hosted by Camille Allison. On the show she discusses Christian living and mental health. This show is designed primarily for the women of faith looking to find freedom balance in their own lives. Camille tackles topics related to mental health, Christian faith, and all things in between to help women unlock their best selves- mentally and spiritually.
Her Soul
After We Mess Up
Following up last week's episode on The Wilderness, let us continue and dive into the hope that follows after we've messed up.
Anchor Verse: Deuteronomy 10:11
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Hey friends. Welcome back to the show you guys. I thought last week's episode was so insightful, so impactful and we're following up this week with another banger. Okay. So. Last week if you missed it and you want to go back and listen for yourself, please. Absolutely do so. But I'll give you just a brief overview of what we talked about. We talked about being in the wilderness and specifically we looked in. Uh, the book of Deuteronomy as Moses is recounting Israel's journey from the time they were rescued from Egypt. Up until now when they're on the brink of going into the Promised Land. And, you know, Moses was just reminding them of how they acted and how they handled themselves and what landed them in the wilderness. If you can recall Israel, rebelled in many different ways. They complained a lot. And what was supposed to be just a short journey, ended up causing this huge detour, they spent 40 years. In the wilderness and we just sat and looked at why. Why did they end up there? How did they get there? And we looked at it and turned it on our own cells as far as. What is it that has landed us in our wilderness seasons. And for Israel, it was, their rebellion that required the consequence of being in the wilderness. And then not only that God needed them to be in the wilderness so that they could get to a place where all they could do was trust Him. All they could do was learn to trust, God, learn to trust His provision, you know, and that was the reason why they were in the wilderness and just taking that and looking at our own lives. When we find ourselves in wilderness seasons, you know, why did we get there? How did we get there and how do we not stay there? Because a lot of times we get stuck. In this place in the wilderness becomes our new normal, because we just don't know how to lift ourselves up. So anyway, That was that last week's episode. Please go back and listen if you missed it, because it was truly, honestly, a blessing to learn a blessing to share with you guys. And I hope that you all felt that it was a blessing to your lives. So this week I wanted to follow up and. We are going to be looking still in the book of Deuteronomy, but in chapter 10, And I didn't know exactly what to call this episode, but, um, it just takes a look at basically the same thing. I wanted to say something like, you know, after you've messed up, here's here's where we go. If you've messed up, start here. That's what we'll go with. Okay. So, let me get on the notes together. Okay, so let me catch you up to speed. So remember Deuteronomy is basically a book of the Bible. Where it's recounting Israel's journey. So Moses is giving this sermon or some refer to it as his like final speech, final sermons or whatever. And he's just telling Israel, recounting some of the key events and teachings. Um, that they have gone through and learned on this journey from the time they left Egypt all the way up to now, they're about to enter into the Promised Land, right? We're looking at chapter 10 specifically, but if we look at chapter nine, Moses recounts, um, the incident of the golden calf that we learn about an Exodus 32, and that was An incident where God was extremely angered by Israel's outright act of disobedience and idolatry right in His face. It was a major display of Israel's rebellion. Right. And so then as we come into chapter 10, Moses is now following up with how Israel was restored after that incident. And a lot of our commentaries referred to this as the covenant renewal that we see in Exodus chapter 34. Okay. So. Again, this is just a retelling of some things that we've already learned. So this might sound familiar to you from. You know, reading Exodus. Okay. So I want to walk you through chapter 10 without going line by line, but certainly do your own Bible study in your own time. But I have to go over this so that you guys can get the gist of what I'm saying. So verses one through five, we see the new tablets coming into play. So if you remember, Moses was so angered at the incident of Israel's rebellion with the golden calf that he ended up actually breaking the two stone tablets um, He ended up breaking them. And so Moses is just telling them how God instructed him to carve two new tablets, like the first ones out of an arc of wood. And God writes the same words on those tablets emphasizing the continuity of the covenant despite Israel's previous sin with the golden calf. Okay. Despite their previous sin. Um, verses six through seven, Moses talks about the journey details that we saw that we found out in Numbers chapter 33, it's just a brief little historical note about Israel's journey. Um, it talks about the death of Aaron and the succession of his son Eleazer is the High Priest. Right. So the reason why this is significant is because it places the events in a specific context. Of Israel's wilderness wanderings. Okay. Keep with me, follow me. Then eight through nine, we see the role of the Levites. We know that the Levites were chosen by God to carry the Ark of the covenant. To minister before him and also to bless in God's name. Their inheritance was God himself rather than land. So if you remember the 12 tribes, they all got land, except the Levites, the Levites instead, their inheritance was God himself. And then verses 10 through 11 Moses's intercession, right? Moses recounts, how he interceded for Israel for this incident and the fact that God listened to Moses and didn't destroy Israel. Like He wanted to. This is just basically reaffirming God's command for them to take possession of the Promised Land. And then verses 12 through 22, we learn what God requires and it just highlights. Israel is called to obedience. The essence of the covenant relationship. Love and justice. Okay. So that's just a really, really quick little. Background, because you have to understand the context before I get into our application. So looking back at chapter 10 as I was studying this, I studied this for a couple of days, actually. And again, I was on vacation with my family and this whole revelation of what you know, God is calling for us, just came about me. And so I'm still happy to share this with you guys today. So, if you remember yall. Israel. Weknow thisd time and time again. They have rebelled over and over again. They're stubborn. It's like they forget. Us too. Now don't, don't think that we're set apart from this, but it's just like, Israel was just for getting how faithful God had been to them. All the promises God had made to them and just sort of like acting out of their own human nature. Okay. Again, we're just as guilty. But in this instance with the golden calf, This was an extreme mark of rebellion. It was a huge slap in God's face and it was just a. A big moment of pause. God was angry. Moses was angry. It was just very disastrous God said that He was actually going to destroy them. And if it was not for Moses having a heart for his people, Perhaps that is what the result would have been. But anyway, what we need to know is that Israel messed up and they messed up bad Oh, my God, they messed up bad. After the rebellion. What we see next. With the covenant renewal and the recreation of the tablets. Is a return to God's word. Israel rebelled the next step was a return to God's word. And repentance. And the returning to God's word and the repentance together, you guys. Led to restoration. Let me just stay here for a second. So let's look, let's stay here for a second and let's dissect this. Israel messed up really bad. And I'm sure some of us in our lives have had these situations. Well, we have messed up really bad. To the point of where we feel like we shouldn't be forgiven. To the point of where we feel like, how could I ever recover from doing something like this? Right. Their rebellion was marked as one of the greatest. Uh, acts of rebellion in Israel's history. Okay. That golden calf incident was not to be ignored. Yet God saw fit that they should be restored. And I want to tell you today that God sees it fit, that you should also be restored. And here's how. After that incident, Moses went interceded on their behalf and God had mercy on them. Right. Moses prayed. He had mercy on them. And the next thing that we see is God telling Moses. To go back and recreate those stones and those stones are symbolic of God's word, those tablets. Are symbolic of God's word. So when you feel like you've gotten to a place where you have just messed up so bad, there's no where for you to go. What I want you to do first is pray. And then what I want you to do is return to God's word. Get in scripture. Let him speak to your heart through the words that he's already written. Repent of your sins. You know, Restoration is not possible unless we admit the fault in the first place, unless we get to. The point of where we can recognize that we were wrong. Back then. The only way that they could repent was through the priesthood. And that's why the mention of the Levites was so important. They could only repent through them, but now you guys. Because of Jesus going to the cross, we can repent through Jesus. We can sit right here in ourselves and pray and speak and ask God's forgiveness. Pour out our hearts. Repent of our sins and receive that forgiveness. All is not lost when you messed up. And I think that's a big thing. You know, going back to last week's episode, talking about being in the wilderness and for those of you who might've been in a wilderness season or are currently in one, and you're just stuck there because you just don't know how to get up. If you find yourself in that place, my Lord, all you have to do. As number one, you need to pray. Okay. We pray because that is our line of communication with God. Number two, we turn to the word of God. Because that is the gift that God left us. It is a Living Word, which means it's transformative, which means. That when we read our Word, there's something that happens to us spiritually in connection with God that. Changes things. God speaks to His people, through His Word. And so I just want to encourage you to pray. I returned to God's word, getting scripture, scripture, and repent. Don't let that one thing be lost. Yes, we are forgiven. Yes, God does forgive us. But we got to repent. We got to acknowledge our wrongs. We have to acknowledge that we've messed up. We need to seek forgiveness in the right way.. Let me read this to y'all because the next thing I'm about to say y'all is so simple, but I want you to hear it from the scripture itself. Okay, so let's recap real, real quick. Israel rebelled. Right? God was extremely angry. Moses was angry, but Moses prayed for Israel anyway, because God wanted to destroy them. The next thing we see is God telling him to recreate the tablets of stone, right. We have a return to God's word. There's a call for repentance. And then verse 11. It says,"Go, the Lord said to me, And lead the people on their way so that they may enter and possess the land I swore to their ancestors to give them". My commentary noted that after the golden calf incident, the following recovery and Israel's returned to God's word, the next step, God commanded was to go. Do you hear me? Y'all. The next thing God said was go, don't be stuck in the past. The command was to move forward. And so after you have sought your restoration, The next thing is to move on. How many of y'all need to hear that word? The next thing you do is move on. And I'm telling you guys something that I think gets so lost. In the chatter and the distraction of the world. But listen to me when you mess up. All hope is not lost. And not only that. After you've asked God's forgiveness. The next step is just to move on. That's how you truly live in the freedom. That's how we can live out God's redemptive nature. The very next thing. God told the Israelites to do was to go Deuteronomy chapter 10, verse 11. Move on. Go forward. The scripture says. God told Moses to lead the people on their way so that they may enter and possess the land. He swore. To the ancestors to give to them. Don't you know, that as bad as the Israelites messed up. He still wanted them to get to the Promised Land. The journey was not going to be in vain. He still wanted them to reap the blessings that he had long before promised. Think about that for a second. Even though you have messed up, God still wants the best for you. He still wants you to enter your individual promised land. Are you stuck? Have you been stuck? Beating yourself up. Allowing yourself to just be in this place where you don't see a way out. Here we go again. You think you've messed up so bad that you cannot be restored, but actually you absolutely can. How. Return to God's word repent. And then what, what, what do we do next? We move on. We don't get stuck by the things that have happened in the past. We don't let that, the things that have happened in the past bind us up and keep us from moving forward. We move forward. Anyway. The next thing I'm about to tell y'all. It's basically God's call to action for all of us. And it's founded in what we've been learning all along, coming through the Old Testament is the need for order and obedience. Let me highlight two verses for you. Verse 16 verse 16 says circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked any longer. Right. Don't be stubborn. Don't try and operate in your own way. That's basically what Moses is telling the people. Right. Circumcise your heart therefore and do not be stiff-necked any longer. This emphasizes the importance of inner transformation. You have got to do the heart work. So here God is telling us to move on, but this is what happens as a result. This is our call to action. Don't be rebellious. Don't be stubborn. Don't try to operate on your own again. Keep God close. And do not forget to do the work. None of this comes easy. None of this comes overnight. But this particular verse just emphasizes the importance of why we need to be self-reflective so that we don't make the mistakes we made before.'cause what, what I always tell y'all once we know better, we have a duty, responsibility and obligation to do better. There is no excuse. So take the time and do the heart work. The scripture says, circumcise your hearts, transform your heart. Verse 20. Is the second one that I wanted to share with you. He says, if the scripture says, fear the Lord, your God, and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oath in his name. All glory honor. And credit goes to God. It says, fear the Lord, your God, and serve him fear in this context means obey. Obey the Lord fear the Lord, your God, serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in Him. Don't y'all know that this is a safe place. Don't y'all know that right here. Verse 20 is describing to us. Uh, comfort, peace, safety. Guidance provision. How do we obtain it? This scripture is absolutely emphasizing the importance of Emphasizing the importance of staying connected to God. Emphasizing the importance that God is our lifeline. And if we just stay in alignment. With what he has told us to do, what He has called us to do. We are safe. How many of y'all. Want to get out of the wilderness. How many of y'all want to be in this safe place? Today. You have learned how to do that? It's a process. But it's one that is necessary. If you're ever going to live a life that is fulfilling in any way for you. When we mess up and notice, I didn't say if, because we all fall at some point. But when we mess up. All hope is not lost. I always go back because I'm a mom. I think I always think about myself as a parent. When I'm, when I'm thinking about how God interacted with the Israelites, I'm thinking about myself, how I interact with my kids, but let's take it there. When my kids mess up. I am angry. Like, you know, I get upset. I'm not even going, I'm not going for it. I get upset when they mess up, I will get upset. But it's not an anger that burns in me forever. I don't, I don't Harbor that. I want so badly. I want the best for them so badly. Oh, my goodness. I want the best for them. So badly. That I just I'm willing to forgive them at all costs because those are my children. And I love them. I want them to be the best that they can be. I'm never going to turn my back on them. Because those are my children. In the same sense. Can you hear me, daughter of God? In the same sense. God loves you so much. When you mess up, he doesn't want to hold it against you. He wants to forgive you. He wants to move forward. He wants you to move forward. And reap the blessing that he already has in place for you. When you stay stuck, you do yourself a disservice. When you stay stuck, you delay your own blessing. We mess up, but we're not supposed to stay in a place where we beat ourselves up constantly over the mistakes that we have made. God God sent His Son to the cross for us. So that we could live a life, not feeling condemned. Why waste that blessing? Why live your life being captive to your own mind. When God has already told us to move on. Let me say this, and I think I'm going to close. On this show, we talk a lot about journaling being reflective. You guys. I don't think that we can truly be. The best that we can be if we don't take time to reflect on our lives, on ourselves, things like that. And so if you find yourself in this place, Um, I just want to encourage you. That after you pray. After you get in your word. After you repent. Please write. Please write. Get out, everything that's stuck inside of you, that is in a way holding you back. Weighing you down and keeping you stuck. Get that stuff out onto paper. And then once you write it out, just say a simple prayer, releasing it to God, God. Thank you for showing me the error in my ways. Thank you for showing me these things that might not be in alignment with you, God, but I just pray that instead of you, instead of me allowing it to keep me stuck and bound up and not able to move forward Father God, I release it. I get rid of it and I give it all back. I give it all to you. Take it off my shoulders Father God so that I can move forward. As you would have me too. To walk in the light that you have given me. To live to my fullest potential. Because that's what you would want from me. That's it. That's all. That's all I want you to do. That's like your homework. That's like your homework for today.. God, God loves you so much. And if you're a parent. Do, as I did and relate it back to yourself and your children. Okay. He only wants the best. So let us today make a decision that we're not going to let our downfalls. Stop us from getting that. The importance of a relationship with God should be. I mean, this, this should take precedence over everything in your life because once things are right in that relationship, everything else underneath fall into place. You guys again, I am praying that this episode has blessed your heart. Bless your spirit. Bless your mind. I pray that it's giving you something to chew on something to go forward and. And I just pray that. You guys will find yourself in a place. Where you are truly living. Out the promises and the blessings of God. I will see you guys next week. Let me know what you thought of this week's episode. I love it when y'all give me feedback. Um, follow all the social stuff is in the show notes, but I'm CamilleAllison_ basically everywhere. And, um, Yeah, I just, I want to know if you feel that this is blessing you in some way, shape or form. Or if this was a message that you just feel stamped your heart. Y'all please let me know. I'd love to hear it. Don't forget to leave a rating or review for the shows that way we get in front of more ears. And, um, And these messages can be taken out to not people. Yeah, I thank you so much for listening and I'll see you all next week. I love yall and be blessed