Her Soul
Her Soul is a podcast & community centered around helping you create your best life through a devoted relationship with God. Her Soul is a Christian-based podcast hosted by Camille Allison. On the show she discusses Christian living and mental health. This show is designed primarily for the women of faith looking to find freedom balance in their own lives. Camille tackles topics related to mental health, Christian faith, and all things in between to help women unlock their best selves- mentally and spiritually.
Her Soul
What to Do If God Seems "Distant" | Reconnecting to the Ultimate Power Source
Sometimes we might find ourselves in a space where we want to hear from God, but are having a hard time actually doing it. Let's talk about someways to get rid of the "distance".
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Hello and welcome into this week's episode of Her Soul. I am your host, Camille, and welcome back, or welcome back. Welcome back. I will not belabor with this intro whatsoever. I'm going to hop right into it. Because today I wanted to discuss something that I think maybe a lot of us. Might've been experiencing in recent months or maybe even recent years. And that And that is: feeling this sort of distance and disconnection from God. You know, sometimes I think we go through life and life just gets so busy and then we stop for a minute and we realized that there is just this distance between you and God, that can be felt. And as you look around to different areas of your life, you realize that things have been going on and you feel. As though you have no control. And maybe you might also feel as if. You know, God has not really answered your prayers or he hasn't really taken the time to consider you or whatever the case may be. I'm going to sum all that up and just say, you feel. A distance or disconnection from the ultimate power source, which has God. And so I wanted to discuss today, what do we do when we feel this disconnection or this distance and how can we avoid it in the future? So, what do you do when you feel this distance or you don't feel as close to God as you once were, there are three things that I want you guys to do. And the first being, I want you to assess where you are spiritually, this app, or this podcast, excuse me, is big on self-assessment and self-reflection so that's the first thing you've got to be able to sit down and assess where you are spiritually. So, what does your prayer life look like? Do you spend regular time reading your Bible? Have you intentionally made time for God? Okay. So those are the journaling questions, or even just, if you just want to just sit down and think about them, whatever those are, the prompts that I want you guys to consider. Take a spiritual assessment of where you are to this day, because I promise you. If you're feeling there's a distance between you and God, you're lacking in one of these areas, either you aren't praying. Or you aren't studying His Word or you aren't making time for Him or making time to even be in his presence or it could be a combination of all three. You know, honestly, sit down, look and see where you are. Number two, this is so important. Y'all. I want you to disconnect. And when, I mean, when I say disconnect, I'm talking about from everything in your life, that is that either is a distraction or can be a distraction. So just realize that it's time to take a break from the thing or things that have had you so consumed. This can be social media. This can be, um, maybe it's a business that you're pouring your all to that might not be in alignment with God had already spoken over you. And you're given everything to start in this business. Maybe that could be the thing that's distracting you. Maybe it's a relationship. Maybe it is someone close to you, a family member, whatever the case is, you guys just sit down and think. What is it that is consuming your time and not necessarily in the most productive or in the most healthy way. Right. Another way you can disconnect. And I think that this is a great idea is to try a fast and really commit to making intentional time with God, you know, When you go on a fast, you are depriving yourself of the things that you typically enjoy. So if you're going on a fast from food, you're not eating. If you're fasting from social media, you're not scrolling like you normally would do. And so the time that you, the extra time that you have tap into some personal time with God. Be intentional about building that relationship and creating the space so that you can connect with him. And then number three. This is- it really should just go without saying, but I want you all to know that God is never far away. Even though it might feel like it. He never leaves us. You guys, He's only waiting for us to just call out to Him and let him back in. So. This can happen sometimes just, even in our own human relationships, we haven't spoken to a friend in years. And we feel as though if we were to reach back out to them, it would be like this awkward situation. Right. Maybe that friend wouldn't really receive you very well or whatever the case may be. But that is not the same sort of reservation you need to have when it comes to reopening the door with God. There should be no anxiety about it because He holds no judgment against you. In fact, I can almost guarantee that He is so excited that you have decided to let him back in. And He'll come to you with open arms. He'll embrace you with open arms. So God is never too far away. As I was getting the notes together for this episode, I was thinking about how is it that we even become separated from Him? How is it that we even feel this disconnection in the first place and the first thing that. I sort of felt led to right now was sin. And so that's another area of your life that I want you to examine. Are there any pockets of sin that might need to be uprooted? Are you dabbling in things that you have no business dabbling in and be honest, I'm not asking you to tell me this is just simply some suggestions for you to take when you're doing your own assessment of yourself. But be honest with yourself. Is there something that you're dabbling in that might not be good for you or it's something that God has outright said no to. Okay. The other way I think we ended up getting separated from him. It's just letting the busy-ness of this chaotic life sort of interfere. So I'll speak to that personally. I have three children. They are five and under, okay. I have a fiance. I have this whole house to run. And from sunup to sundown, it is a never ending. Something going on. Okay. And if you, if you're a mom, you already know. There's always something going on. Somebody needs to be somewhere, whether it's sports or appointments or whatever the case may be. Even you might just have things going on with yourself, but life can get so busy and for a few seasons, that's exactly what happened with me. I was so busy and so sort of like out of a flow out of a, a good rhythm. That I couldn't really figure out how do I put in, how do I dedicate time for God and do all the things for the kids and house? Right. But there should never be. There should never come a time where, I'm trying to figure out how to balance God, because first and foremost, He always comes first. And it took me a while to realize this. But in fact, when I put Him first, the rest of my day just flows so much better because I had that time in the beginning of the day to sit with Him and to receive the covering and the instruction that I needed to take care of everybody else that needs me. So. I think about what is keeping you busy and then look at, look at how your schedule is laid out and figure out okay. If you're not a morning person, this might not work for you, but you can also apply this to, you know, at night. So let's say you have kids like me. And you need a time. You don't really have time. When is the best time that you can spend with God? Well, for me, it's either going to be very early in the morning before the kids wake up or it's going to be late at night after the kids have went to sleep. And unfortunately, yes, sometimes you have to sacrifice your sleep. And I found myself in that as well. Like not wanting to sacrifice my sleep because I was so exhausted with everything going on around me. But sometimes that's necessary until you can find yourself in a better situation that'll work where you don't have to compromise that. So. Just think about that. I think we all have to get to a place where we treat our relationship with God, just like any other human relationship. Right. And when I say that, I'm saying we have to treat it. To the extent where we are nurturing it. So you obviously cannot exist in a healthy marriage and go about your days, not talking to each other. What would be the point if you were married to someone and y'all, don't even talk to each other during the day. Right. In fact, the only time y'all even speak to each other. Is when you need something from that person. Very much. So in the same way, you cannot treat God like that either. He shouldn't be someone that we just go to when we think we need them or when we can, when we remember to go to him. As husband and wife are supposed to nurture their relationship. Be intentional, intentional about communication and things like that. The same thing. We should apply to our relationship with God. Really carving out that time to be with God. To not only talk to Him, but to listen to Him. To gain insight. God really isn't someone that we should be keeping in our back pocket, or He's not someone to just be sat on the shelf and only used when we remember to reach for Him, we've got to treat Him like the most valuable in the most important and precious person in our life. And just put it in your mind that He is just where you need to be at all times, just for the simple fact of making it through the day or, you know, seeking guidance on whatever it is, you need Him. Um, but just, we have to treat Him like, He's just the most precious thing we have because honestly he truly is. We couldn't do life without Him, we couldn't. Do or have any of the things we have, we wouldn't be able to function if it wasn't for Him. And so we owe Him. We owe Him that much. I think another thing we have to realize as well, when we feel the distance. Sometimes that's our own doing. And we've got to basically just stop even treating God as if He is distant as if He is just someone we could never reach. We treat Him with respect. Yes. But we also have to know that He is someone that we can call on anytime of the day or night. And it doesn't have to be a formal thing. I think that's the thing. A lot of people think praying has to be this formal thing. We have to be respectful. Hear me when I say we have to be respectful, but it isn't a King James thee and thou type of situation. You talk to Him, like you would talk to your parent. Right with that same love and devotion in your heart. I try and talk to God, basically throughout the day. So. For me, it's sort of like a running conversation. We do pray at night with our kids. And it's so funny because. Uh, the other day, Kingston. Had said something. He always asks me to pray for him. This is my five-year-old. He always asks me to pray for him. And he'll usually tell me what to ask God for. So the other day he did that again. And this time around, I told him. You know, just go ahead and ask God yourself, you know, ask God what it is that you want to ask Him, because God can hear you. Kingston immediately shot back with. He was like, no, mommy, I want you to do it because I don't know what to say. And I don't want to mess up. And it's so funny because I think that is where a lot of us as grown adults are as well. So, like I told him, I will also tell you, you can't mess it up. You cannot mess it up. You tell Him whatever it is, that's on your heart. And then you wait an expectation that He will meet you where you must be met. And trust Him in that. I don't really have much more to say then that the message I think is very clear. Because I felt distance. I have been feeling distant from God and I've gone through varying seasons in my life where that's something that I've dealt with. And I always have to go back and sit and reflect, okay. Like what's going on in my life. What's taking my attention away. You know, why am I not doing the things that I should be doing? I never want to be. Uh, Christian, that just calls on God when I need Him. I always want to be worshiping and honoring Him. And so today's episode was just a few tips to help you get back into the swing of things if you feel like you felt that same distance. These are some practical things that you can start today to get things going. Thank you guys so much for listening to this episode, I pray that it has blessed your spirit and nourished your heart. Please don't forget look in the show notes. You can find me on social media. And don't forget to subscribe to me on those different platforms. As well as something I've been trying to push for more recently is leaving a rating or review on the episode. Um, so I would, I just recently found out is that Spotify does not allow you to leave reviews. I guess you can leave a rating, but not necessarily a review. So whatever it is that you can do. I know apple podcasts will allow you to do that. If you don't mind just taking a quick minute and just leaving me some feedback, um, I would surely, surely appreciate it. It helps our show expand to other listeners who might be interested in the same topic. And so. Yeah. Anyway, my beautiful people. I am wishing you a very wonderful rest of your week, and I will talk with you all in the next episode. Bye guys. Be blessed.