Her Soul
Her Soul is a podcast & community centered around helping you create your best life through a devoted relationship with God. Her Soul is a Christian-based podcast hosted by Camille Allison. On the show she discusses Christian living and mental health. This show is designed primarily for the women of faith looking to find freedom balance in their own lives. Camille tackles topics related to mental health, Christian faith, and all things in between to help women unlock their best selves- mentally and spiritually.
Her Soul
Mom Fuel | Encouraging Moms on the Journey of Motherhood
Motherhood is an incredible journey filled with love and challenges. In this episode, discover powerful strategies to stay motivated and encouraged, embrace imperfections, celebrate small wins, and prioritize self-care. Fuel your fire and remember, you're doing an amazing job!
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Hey friends. Welcome into today's episode of Her Soul. I am your host, Camille, Allison. And you guys today, we have a special guest. Uh, many of you may know that I just had a baby about four months ago. And so her name is Cienna and Cienna is currently with me right now. So if you hear baby babbling or any sort of baby noise, that's her. I can't do anything about it, but if I am going to get this episode out to you guys, For Thursday, May 23rd. This is the only time that I've got. So this is what we've got to deal with. Any who I think it's actually perfect because today's episode falls in line with our episode, from the beginning of the week on postpartum depression, and I just wanted to sit back and really offer a load of encouragement to my moms. Motherhood and being a mom. Number one, you guys is an honor. Not everybody is blessed with that ability, but those of us who are blessed to take on the task of being a mom to the best of our ability, you guys. I think many of you can agree with me that it is sort of like this journey. You can't really describe it. It's got a lot of good days. It's got a lot of tough days as well, but it's an incredible journey. It's filled with love joy. Countless moments that you just would never, ever take for granted or never ever want to replace. Right. In the same token, you guys, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Exhaustion, doubts, the mom guilt that we talked about in the beginning of the week. And moms often we find ourselves navigating this delicate balance of nurturing our children, taking care of our kids, you know, managing the household. While also pursuing personal and professional goals. And in the midst of all of this stuff in the midst of the whirlwind. Staying motivated and encouraged is pivotal. And so today you guys, I'm going to give you some pretty powerful strategies to help moms keep their spirits high. Keep your hearts full and keep your exhaustion at a minimum. So my first strategy or lesson to being the best mom that we can be while also taking care of ourselves. Is to number one, embrace the imperfection. Okay. So let's just start out with debunking this myth or this idea of a perfect mom. There is no perfect mom, no matter what you guys may see on social media. There is no such thing as a perfect mom. Everybody has their own style. Everybody does their own thing. So perfection is just unrealistic. It's unattainable and it only adds unnecessary pressure. So my tip is to embrace your imperfections and just recognize that making mistakes is part of the journey. You've never had kids before. So you're learning just as much as they are learning. Each mistake is a learning opportunity, both for you and your child. So just remember it's your love and it's your presence that matters the most, not the flawless execution of everything else, not being on time all the time, not having all the clothes laid out the night before. Like those are great, don't get me wrong, but that does not determine your worth as a mom, because at the end of the day, your kids are going to remember the love that you showed them. And the time that you spent with them. My second strategy is to celebrate the small wins. So every day you guys, and I mean, you can sit down and write a list out and think of it. No matter how small it is. Every single day, there are a countless amount of small victories that often go unnoticed. So did you get the school, the kids to school on time, girl, that is a win. Okay. Celebrate that. Did you have a moment to enjoy a cup of coffee with nobody else talking to you? Girl that is a win. Celebrate that. Okay. By acknowledging and celebrating these small accomplishments, you can boost your morale and create a positive mindset. Every step forward, no matter how small is progress. Okay. My third strategy is to prioritize self care. This is a big one for me because. I sometimes look at self care is unrealistic. I know it's important, but it just doesn't always fit into the day-to-day schedule. And so building time for that often is a little bit of a challenge. But you have to realize number one, taking care of yourself is not a luxury. Okay. It's not a luxury. It's not this out of reach thing. It's actually a necessity. You cannot pour from an empty cup. We have talked about this before. So make time for self care, whether it's just a few minutes of, you know, quiet prayer in the morning or meditation, when you get up, whether it's you getting outside and going to take a walk. Or my new favorite thing. If you just take in 20 minutes to yourself to read a book, Right. Prioritizing your wellbeing allows you to recharge. And then it also allows you to be more present and energetic for your family because the responsibility of being a mom never goes away. Right. So if we don't take the time to do the things that fill us up as a woman, How can we be our best selves for our kids, for our spouses? Right. Remember self care is not selfish. It is just essential. My fourth tip is to build a support system. This again for me was a little bit challenging, but once you get it, once you have it, It makes a world of a difference. So don't hesitate to lean on that support system, whether it is your spouse, your family, friends, that you may have other moms that you've met. Whoever it is having a network to share experiences. You know, somebody you can go to, to get advice or offer mutual support that can make a huge impact. Right. A huge impact on our days. So sometimes just knowing that you're not alone in your struggles. Can be comforting and motivating at the same time. So don't underestimate. Building relationships that help you thrive as a mom. Strategy number five to basically being the best mom that you can be while also taking care of yourself is setting realistic goals. So setting realistic and achievable goals can provide direction and also a sense of accomplishment. Right? Breakdown your bigger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. And so as you go through your day, you're able to check off those little things and that even just checking the box. Sort of, um, makes you feel like you've done something and makes you feel accomplished no matter how big or small that thing is. Not only that it makes the goals, the bigger goals, less daunting. And it also allows you to track and celebrate your progress along the way. My biggest takeaway with this is to just be kind to yourself, right? If things don't go as planned. One of the biggest key things in motherhood that we'll talk about here in just a few is flexibility. Okay. Strategy number six to rocking out this mom thing is to practice gratitude. I am super big on gratitude because I think we underestimate how powerful a motivator gratitude actually is. What I want you guys to do is just take a moment each day to reflect on what you're grateful for. This could be. Um, Your kid's laughter. Okay. This could be the support you received from your partner that day. Um, it could be the fact that when your child was mixing up and doing everything, you told them not to do the fact that you didn't yell at them. That is something to be grateful for. Practicing gratitude just shifts your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant. It fosters a positive and motivated mindset that is not founded in exhaustion or annoyance with the everyday day-to-day mundane. It creates a feeling of contentment and pride surrounding what it is that you've actually been blessed to experience in your day. So take a moment every single day to practice some gratitude. My seventh strategy is to seek inspiration. I think we forget about this too, because you know, all the things we have to do, we don't necessarily have time to think about ourselves. But this is a big one. Me personally. I know that I'm a very creative person. If I can sit down and draw, if I can sit down and just have my hands to paper. I'm good. So look for sources of inspiration that resonate with you. This could be reading books cause I really enjoy reading books now as well. Listening to your favorite podcast. Um, following certain motivational speakers, finding something creative, or even you guys engaging with other moms. Um, there are a lot of online communities centered around being a teenager, mom, being a mom of toddlers, being a newborn mom, just find your community right. Surround yourself with positive influences. That can provide fresh perspectives. Which ultimately will renew your energy. And then I told you guys, we were going to circle back around to this, but embracing flexibility. Super important. This is our strategy. Number eight, to be in the best mom that we can be. Without compromising ourselves. Embrace flexibility. motherhood. I want to say never goes as planned. Okay. That's okay. The minute you can realize that every moment of the day is not going to be planned out how you thought it was going to be planned out. Or go, like you thought that it would go. You're going to be. Um, miles ahead in this journey. Okay. Embrace flexibility and be prepared to adapt. Sometimes. Y'all honestly, the best moments are the ones that we didn't plan so allow yourself the grace to go with the flow. And just adapt to the changes with an open heart and an open mind. Strategy number nine, which is my final tip for you guys is I just want you to affirm your strength daily, remind yourself on a daily basis of your strengths and your capabilities. Positive affirmations can be very empowering. I think most of you know, this. Statements like I am a loving and capable mother. I am doing my best and that is enough. I am a positive mom who does not lash out at her children. All of these things are reinforcing positive self images, and it's boosting your confidence and it's giving you everything that you need to be the best mom that you can be. If we can just remember and hold onto the fact that motherhood is not a sprint. It's not a marathon. You guys it's filled with highs and lows, but through it all your love and your dedication is the most important thing. No matter what your schedule looks like, if it all fell apart. What love or what is it that you showed your child that day? Was it love kindness, compassion. Or was it a frustrated overstimulated mom. If we can embrace imperfection, celebrate our small wins, prioritize self care. Surround ourself with the support. Um, we can stay motivated and encouraged on this truly incredible journey. Just remember that you are stronger and more resilient than, you know, Keep fueling your fire. And know that you are doing an amazing job. I love you moms. I am praying for you always, because I know what it's like. I've got a, five-year-old a three-year-old and now a newborn. And so sometimes it's easy to get overwhelmed. It's easy to just be overstimulated quite honestly. But let's reground ourselves constantly remembering that it's what we show our kids. Don't let our kids see those frustrated moments don't let them see those parts of us that are not our best foot forward. At the end of the day, you never want to make your child feel like they're to blame for whatever it is that you're going through. So being mindful of that and grounding yourself in the fact that this is not a perfect journey are all things that will help you be the best mom that you can possibly be. I know you're already doing an amazing job and I just want you to keep going. And I don't want you to beat yourself up constantly over the things that coulda shoulda woulda. Okay. I love you guys. Don't forget, check the show notes to follow us on socials. Um, thank you guys for sticking with me this week. The bunch of you that are continuing to listen to everyday, I truly appreciate it. And if this episode has blessed you in any way possible. Please you guys leave me a rating and a review down below. And share this episode with another mom friend who you think might be able to benefit from it as well. I love you guys be blessed and I'll see you all tomorrow bye guys have a good one.