Her Soul
Her Soul is a podcast & community centered around helping you create your best life through a devoted relationship with God. Her Soul is a Christian-based podcast hosted by Camille Allison. On the show she discusses Christian living and mental health. This show is designed primarily for the women of faith looking to find freedom balance in their own lives. Camille tackles topics related to mental health, Christian faith, and all things in between to help women unlock their best selves- mentally and spiritually.
Her Soul
Power of a Praying Woman | Back2Basics pt. 3
As women and believers, we must absolutely pray for our husbands, kids, home, & ourselves. Let’s talk about why prayer is an essential part of womanhood and how you can tap into creating a strategic prayer life.
Anchor Verses: Isaiah 65:24, Matthew 7:7, Psalm 91:15
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Hello, friends and welcome into another episode of Her Soul. I am your host, Camille Allison, and today you guys, we are smack dab in the middle of our burst week where I am bringing you five episodes this week. That's right. Monday through Friday, you will get an episode. And today is Tuesday, May 21st. Yesterday, we talked about postpartum depression and brought awareness to that. And today you guys, we are going to be diving into the power of a praying woman. This is indeed a part of our Back2Basics series. So part one we covered basic trust and having faith in God. Part two, we talked about the importance of gratitude in treating a complaining heart. And part three today, we are going to talk about why prayer is important and why, if you are a woman who has a family is married, is going through any part of your life's journey should be praying. So often as Christians, we underestimate the power of prayer. I think it's something that we sort of distance ourselves from in a sense where we know that our Pastor prays for us, you know, things like that. We know when we go to church, we're going to pray. And sometimes I think prayer, especially for new Christians might seem like this big thing that's out of reach, but prayer is. A, very simple, but probably our biggest tool that we have as believers. Right. And especially as women, wives, and mothers. So this episode is for those of you who may be, you don't have a prayer life at all, maybe you've been lacking in your prayer life or it's for those of you who need a reminder of your womanly duty. That's right. I said it, your womanly duty, right? Especially if you are noticing there's turbulence in certain areas of your life, if there are parts of your life that just are not settled, it's. Um, a lot of anxiety surrounding these certain areas or whatever the case may be. Especially within your family. You guys, we have to invigorate or ignite your prayer life. Okay. So what exactly is prayer? Prayer is a spiritual communication between you and God. Not only that it is a two way communication pathway. So not only must we. Not only do we talk or ask, we must also listen for God's response. The reason I believe prayer is essential for any woman, truly any person at all is because as believers, you guys, the devil tries so hard to break us down wherever he can, wherever there is a sliver of weakness, a sliver of fragility or vulnerability, the devil is going to try and sneak in there and chip away at things. Right. Uh, he attacks our passions. He texts our focus. He attacks our identity, our families, he attacks our past. He plays on our fears. Right. He creates unnecessary pressures. Past hurts that we haven't got over. He will use that as a tool for manipulation. He attacks us through the use of our relationships. Right. We know that the devil is going to try and do these things. So we have to equip ourselves to be able to handle him when he comes. Or even better, we have to equip ourselves so that. He doesn't even have a chance to break down, break you down in these areas of your life. If we leave ourselves unguarded, we leave things open for fair play. To put it simply. Not only that you guys on the flip side of things. We cannot do life by ourself. Many of us try as a way to sort of like maintain control. Many of us may have even believed that in the past, we didn't need help, but you guys, we cannot do life by ourselves. Some things are so big that we literally have no choice, but to rely on God. And so what prayer does, is it strengthens your relationship with God? It strengthens your ability to trust Him. It strengthens your faith muscle. It does all of these things. And not only that you guys. Prayer creates a space within ourselves, mentally and emotionally to just rest. Right when we release a prayer. Um, concerning something that's been worrying us or something that's been on our mind. The minute we release that prayer to God, we can rest. And that's something that. We don't find otherwise. Do you see what I'm saying? If we don't take the time to pray and release our cares to God, you guys, what is, what happens? We keep those things inside of us. Those things, fester things, continue to brew. And then before we know it, we look it up and we're dealing with something that's way bigger than what we can handle. Right. It pushes you to your edge, but one thing, if you're going to pray, you don't have to worry. And that is why prayer is essential for our lives. In the Bible and the book of 1 Samuel, we see that Hannah prayed for a son. Her prayer was an example of personal need. An example of faith and an example of persistence. Moses in the book of Exodus, he interceded for Israel because of the incident with the golden calf. So he prayed on behalf of Israel because God was going to destroy them. So his prayer appealed to God's mercy Solomon in 1 Kings prayed for wisdom and his prayer was a prayer of humility and prioritizing God's will. David in Psalm 51, a very famous Psalm he prayed for forgiveness after the whole incident with, Bethsheba and his prayer was a prayer of repentance confession, and just ultimately wanting restoration. Paul prayed on behalf of the Ephesians and he prayed for their spiritual wisdom. Um, he prayed for their strength as believers. He prayed for their spiritual growth and their understanding of who God is and His love. And so what we see from these four or five biblical examples, Is that our prayers should be including these elements, right? Humility. Repentance strength. An understanding and an acceptance of God's will. Uh, the possibility of restoration. Wisdom. Revelation growth and increasing our faith. So with these things in mind, let's sort of dissect and go over how to specifically pray. If you're someone who it's hard for you to just start talking to God, this is a very basic. Sort of outline that you can follow in constructing your prayers. So our prayers should always begin humbly and in thanks. Honoring God and in adoration of God. Right? So something like thank you, Lord, for this day. Most gracious and heavenly father. Thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon me. Uh, thank you for who you are. Thank you for your love, your mercy. Thank you for everything that you've provided for me. So something like that, um, just basically expressing our love for God. Essentially. The second part you want to move into is basically a confession. So an example for this part would be. Lord, please forgive me for my anger and my temper. Please forgive me for yelling at my spouse or yelling at my kids. I admit to you that this is not my strongest area. Um, so please forgive me in this. And then moving on, you're going to make your request. If we continue with that same example, our request would be. Father, please. I know that this is not a strong area for me, Father, can you please reach deep inside my heart and fix this area? Can you please help me to seek the help I need not to be such an angry person for the, put the resources in front of me. That will allow me to correct my attitude. Okay. So something like that. And then the fourth part of basically how we would, how you would structure your prayer. Is to thank Him again for all of the blessings and then submit to his will. Thank you Lauren, for taking the time to listen to me and hear my heart's desire. I invite you in. To create change for the God and I accept whatever it is that you put before me. I accept your will. And I just thank you so much. For. You taking the time to hear me? In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. Simple simple, simple, simple. So the steps are. You're going to begin. Humbly with thanks. And, um, sort of. Adoration for God and his character you're then going to. Follow up with a confession of your shortcomings. Third, you're going to make your request known to God. And then number four, you're going to thank him again for the blessings and you're going to submit to his will. And I guess this is a secret part. Uh, the fifth step is to sit in silence. And listen, sometimes God doesn't respond right away, but there are moments when He will. And so instead of clouding ourselves with moving on to the next thing, If you can sit still and you have time to, I would just sit still. And just be in this moment. Of conversation with God. So a few tips that I just want to highlight before I let you guys go. Number one, do not be afraid to ask God for anything. We have to pray bold prayers in the same sense. Since we have to pray with belief. Right. So we have to pray. Boldly and believe that what we are asking for is going to come into fruition. Uh, we got to believe that God is going to deliver us from this addiction. We've got to believe that God is going to heal our child. We've got to believe that God is going to bring restoration to your family. If we pray. And in the back of our minds, we're like, I'm just put this out there. But I don't really know if he gonna really do it. He probably won't. We're creating doubt. We're not giving God the room to work in our lives. So bare minimum, pray a prayer. And believe what you are asking for God is a God of miracles. He is a God of doing things bigger. Way bigger than what we can imagine. So don't put Him in a box. Don't think that, you know, That He's not going to answer your prayer. Don't think that your prayer is out of reach in the same sense or, I guess not in the same sense, but on the flip side of that, you guys, God works on His own time. And so if you prayed for something in a month has come and that you still haven't received an answer. Please be okay with that. Please sit with that and know that God is going to answer that prayer at the exact time. That makes sense. And it's not for us to understand. We are. Just minor characters in the bigger story, but I promise you in whatever way that God answers your prayer. And when you finally see it come to light, it's going to be in the exact way that God needs it to be right for His purposes for His will, for His glory. Another suggestion or tip that I want to give you guys in regards to prayer involves finding the method or way of praying that works best for you. There was a season of my life, like when I was in college and I was heavy into journaling and I still am, but just not as much prayer journaling was the way that I always went. Okay. I would always write out my prayers to God. I've got notebooks and journals full of prayers that I've written to God in this season of my life. But then as I started to have kids, I didn't have a whole lot of time to sit down. And so instead of writing my prayers down now, I am much more of a verbal. Um, prayer and I mean, praying constantly, I'm washing the dishes and I'm saying Lord. Please don't let these kids hurt each other in this house. Um, you know, anything like that, like as I'm doing things I'm sitting down and I'm talking to God and so find a method that works for you, whether that's prayer, journaling. Whether that is just doing, um, verbal prayers, just like I just was talking about, you know, even at night, When I lay down and do prayers, it's not that I'm writing them down. I'm. Literally in bed talking to God. The other thing that I do every month, I create a prayer list and my planner, and as the month goes on, I write down. Uh, certain names of people who are requesting prayer or people who I feel led to pray for, uh, I'm praying over people's situations and things like that. And I will just randomly go through that list and I'll just start going down the list and I'm saying, Lord, please cover this person and whatever area it is that they need you. Father God, this person is going through this and I just pray that you bring healing to them in this area. So finds find a way or a method that's going to fit. Um, I guess basically your routine. Because if it can fit into your routine, you're more likely to remember to do it. And it's not going to seem like a task. It's just going to seem like a part of your normal. And then finally, I just want you to make it a consistent part of your life. You guys. If you can realize the power that your prayer has, not only in your own life personally, but also in the lives of your children. Okay. So, so often you hear people talk about, you know, they're only here because their grandma paid prayed for them. You know, I had a praying grandmother that is such an essential part of basically living this life and walking on this earth. So many things are out to sort of distract us. Get us off of the track that God has predestined for us. And those things will happen. But. Especially when we don't have control over what's going on. Prayer becomes our biggest tool. You know, I've got, um, I did an episode a while back about spiritually guarding your home. You guys, I pray over this house. I pray with this house, then nothing. Um, that anybody might bring in with them that is not of God will stay here. I pray that anybody who comes into this home will be blessed by, um, just being in God's presence by being in this home. I pray over my kids constantly because they go off to school and I don't know exactly a hundred percent what it is that they're exposed to and the experiences that they have. I don't know all of the people that they come into contact with. And so I'm praying for them that they will be covered and protected in that way. I pray for my fiance all of the time, because he's he needs covering as well. We are to be a helpmate to our spouse. We are to be, um, a protector and nurturer for our children. And so how do we do these things? Realistically. Taking on these responsibilities is extremely hard, but our biggest tool. The biggest weapon we have is to cover them in prayer and let God take a lot of that load off of our back. We do what we do in our home and we make our home a home for our families to find rest in. And along with that, we pray for them. Um, Along with that, we pray for them. So I'm going to leave you guys with a few scriptures. Regarding prayer. Matthew 7:7, it says ask. And it will be given to you. Seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you. Isaiah 65:24 says before they call, I will answer while they are still speaking. I will hear. And that just speaks to God's closeness to us. When we think our prayers are not heard trust and believe, He hears them. He's close to us. And then Psalm 91:15. It says he will call on me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. So take these scriptures with you. Nestle them into your heart. I pray that this episode has blessed you and at the very least, I pray that it has encouraged you to seek a more, uh, robust prayer life. The other thing, you guys I just want to say thank you for your support. Uh, stay tuned for the episode that's coming tomorrow. And, um, if you guys are feeling led, please do not forget to rate the show. It allows us to get in front of a larger audience. Go ahead, subscribe to us on social media and then something new that I'm starting is a Patreon and so the link for that is in the show notes as well. If you're interested in member exclusive perks. Just click the link and check it out. And if that's something that you're willing to do to support the show, I would greatly appreciate it. With that being said, you guys, I pray you have a blessed rest of your day and I will see you all tomorrow. I love you guys. Be blessed.